Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Special Announcement

In May of 2010 Dramatic Encounter will celebrate five years of ministry. What a joy it has been to serve and share with everyone I have met in the past four and a half years. It is hard to believe that I've had the privilege to travel so much in order to share the gospel and I have loved every minute of it! However, as Ecclesiastes says, there is a time for everything, and the time has come to rest.

This past fall my Board of Directors and I discussed me taking a sabbatical for the year of 2010. They have encouraged a season of rest so that I may physically recoup from many miles of travel, experience spiritual renewal, and gain perspective and direction for the future of Dramatic Encounter. Therefore I officially requested a sabbatical season for 2010 which was granted by the Board in December.

We will be honoring all of the dates already booked for this year. Also, please let me make it clear that this decision does not mean that DE is ending, is in financial trouble, or anything of the sort. We are simply following the Lord's leading into a season of rest, reflection and pursuit of what He has for us in the days to come.

I am so blessed to be surrounded by wise and encouraging friends and ministry partners who are looking out for the best interest of this ministry and for me. I extend my gratitude to my Board for helping me understand it's not only "ok" to rest but a biblical mandate! I covet your prayers during this time and a list of specific prayer requests can be found in the prayer request column.

Thank you for journeying with me, for supporting this ministry through your prayers, finances and encouragement. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for 2010!

Emory Colvin

-Emory is looking for full time employment. Please pray that she is able to find a job that will sustain her needs during this time.

-Pray for rest for Emory physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually

-Ask the Lord to give Emory and the Board perspective and direction for the future of Dramatic Encounter's ministry. Our desire is to work where He is working.

-Pray that donors would continue to give during this season of rest. Even though we are not traveling, there are still overhead expenses to cover such as website maintenance, accounting fees, etc.

-Pray for Emory, the IWC leadership team and the 80 college students who are heading to Athens, Greece for two weeks of ministry in March. Emory leaves for Project Coordinator training in Atlanta Monday, January 25th, then will continue on to Athens on January 29th for a site visit. Pray for travel mercies and wisdom in ministry planning.

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