Sunday, December 7, 2008

FlipCam=Good Times

So when I picked up the giveaway prize for YS I also snagged one for Dramatic Encounter to use as well. This way I can share with all of you the exciting adventures of my travels!

Youth Minister Chris Dortch shares about Dramatic Encounter:

The second video goes to show you that at the end of YS things get a little crazy, youth ministers say funny things, and I say "Awesome" a lot.

Catching Up...Youth Specialties National Youth Worker Convention

Whew! Was this a great weekend, or what?! It was my first time to exhibit at this convention and I had a blast meeting ministers and lay workers from all over the country! For four days I was able to share my heart and the calling of this ministry with folks and I loved every minute of it. One of the most poignant moments for me was meeting Fred.

Fred is originally from Kenya and when he stopped by to chat I told him that my Mom sponsored a child in Kenya through World Vision and I sponsored a child in Zimbabwe. He then shared with me how World Vision had made in impact on his community as a child. He told me about the trucks he saw bringing in supplies, the children who were sponsored and were able to get an education they otherwise wouldn't receive, and how God was using World Vision to make a difference for Christ in Africa. I've long been a supporter of the ministry of World Vision, in fact, if Dramatic Encounter ever ceased to exist all of the company's assets would be donated to World Vision, so to hear this wonderful account blessed my heart and encouraged me in my continued support. If you would like to learn more about World Vision, sponsor a child, or make a one time donation, please visit their website.

Thank you to all of those that stopped by our booth and hung out with us. We really enjoyed the opportunity to share about what we do and we hope to be working with you in the next year!

Catching Up...Women's Forum & Mt Vernon Baptist

I've been traveling and working non stop lately so it's been tough to find time to update this ole blog of mine. However, I'm taking this wonderful Sunday afternoon to catch up on where I've been.

At the beginning of November I had the privilege to team up with Rachel Lovingood at LifeWay's National Women's Leadership Forum in Nashville. She's a great host and we always have a good time opening the sessions up with fun sketches! This was my first year to teach a class and we learned some creative ways to spice up women's events. Next year there will be two Forum's--back to back! You don't want to miss this wonderful time of training and refreshement. Check out more details at LifeWay's website.

After a day of rest I flew to West Monroe, LA to join a college friend of mine for a weekend of ministry. Emily is now a youth minister at Mt. Vernon Baptist and she was gracious to host me for Entrenched 08, their student disicipleship weekend. I presented The Thread Saturday night and did a few sketches Sunday evening as well. The Lord is doing some great work at Mt. Vernon and raising up some strong leaders!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Baby Zachariah is with Jesus

I am very sad to have to say this, Zachariah died last night.November 5, 2008.

Zachariah was a gift from God with a purpose!!!! We may not totally understand right now why he had to live a short life, but God's plans are perfect.

Zachariasz (His Roma name) caused many of us to be on our knees before God in petitioning prayer for many months. The many trips to the hospitals became times of Ola sharing her faith and the gospel message with many other parents who had very sick children too. Ola is a faithful wittiness for the Lord.Andrzej is a bold wittiness to all also.

Please pray for Ola & Andrzej Mirga as they arrange the funeral and suffer the physical loss of their son Zachariasz.

Please pray for God's grace & peace that passes all understanding.

Please pray that God will be glorified through all of this. Pray that the mouths of the mockers and unbelievers will be stopped. Pray that they will see God in this and not be confirmed in their minds that our God is not real.
Ola Mirga, last night told me to say to you all "Thank you all for your prayers for me and my family!!!!"
Z Bogiem, Jerry & family

For more information please visit The Fuge Blog

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Urgent Prayer for Baby Zachariah

Dear Friends,

Please pray for Ola and Andrzej as their son Zachariah is back in the hospital and in critical condition. It seems as though his kidneys as well as other organs are failing and the doctors believe that he may not pull through. Ola and Andrzej's faith is strong, but their hearts are suffering deeply. Please lift them up that they may feel an incredible presence of peace, comfort, strength, and love during this very difficult time.

The Goss'

For more updates as they come visit the new Fuge Blog

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fuge Camp Training

I'm here in Campbellsville, KY for Fuge camp program training. I've spent the last two and a half days blocking and running all of the dramas for camp. We are doing a four day AM show in the morning, two sketches for worship and four night life's. My partner and I are having a blast running lines and developing our characters.

We leave next Wednesday, the 21st, to move into Ridgecrest and get things rolling there. We'll train our staff for a week and a half and then camp starts June 2nd! Please pray for us as we prepare program elements and our leadership team meets to develop plans for training week.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Dramatic Encounter!

Dramatic Encounter turned 3 on May 1st!! What an exciting journey this has been. I'm so thankful for God's direction and the support of my family and friends--not to mention the fantastic churches and ministries who have hosted DE over the past few years. Thank you for believing in DE!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Europe: In Conclusion

This trip was one I won't soon forget. I still can't believe that I was able to go and experience such a wonderful taste of what God is doing with the Roma in Central and Eastern Europe! The Roma are hungering and thirsting for God and He is filling their cups and their souls with the milk and honey of His Word. I stand amazed at what God can do through a life surrendered...watching men like Daniel and Jerry inspire me. I pray that I am as willing to say yes when God calls me to such heights (or depths for that matter). I am thankful to Fuge for the opportunity to serve on this trip. I pray that because these stories will be told at camps nationwide this summer that more Roma will come to know our great God.

Roma Missions Trailer

Fuge '08 Roma Trailer from Fuge on Vimeo.


Monday January 21st we got to the airport at 6 in the morning to get Lorie on her flight but our flight didn't leave until ten. I fell asleep for a few hours across some chairs and we finally arrived in Poland around 3. Jerry Goss picked us up and it was an immediate friendship. The Goss family has been serving in Poland for four years and their ministry will be our prayer focus this summer. Let me just go ahead and tell you that the Goss family is awesome. They were gracious hosts whose passion for the Lord and desire to reach the Roma became evident in minutes.

They took us to a Roma home in the city in an old Communist apartment block and we met with a sweet family that hosted prayer and Bible study in their home. They live in one of the most dangerous areas and yet they cover their humble home with prayer and the word of God. We prayed with and for these brothers and sisters and heard their testimonies and how God was moving in their lives today.

The next day we went to the village and met with more believers. We heard a heart wrenching testimony of how one family has lost two children, and their third child is ill and not expected to survive, yet they trust that God has their lives in His hands. They continue to serve and believe and hope for more healthy children. Please pray for baby Zachariah. The doctors have done what they can but we know the Great Physician can do so much more!

Please lift up Jerry and his family as well. He has 5 daughters, 2 are stateside and the other three serve with him and his wife Brenda. Their commitment to the Lord and his work is humbling and challenging and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have spent time with them.

Day 6-Romania

I am sitting in a Romanian church viewing and experiencing worship in a primitive form. Several members of our team have preached through Alex, our fantastic interpreter. I was able to perform "Worthy of Glory" earlier and Alex translated. It was a very sweet experience. Mijhai smiled at me the whole time!

The past several days have been wonderful! We arrived in Romania on Friday after a rather interesting flight. Let's just say that there was so much luggage for the flight that half of the suitcases were put in the cabin. I was originally sitting in the back of the plane and got bumped to "first class" to make room for the bags. And by first class I mean the first seat on the plane. :) We were taken to the Hotel Christian as soon as we arrived and I'll never forget the feeling of darkness I felt in the street. We settled in and Daniel, the M for the region, took us to a really cute pizza place for dinner. We had fantastic conversation and then filmed Daniel's interview in the restaurant. We got a walking tour of Cluj after dinner and then hit the hay to get ready for the next day.

We loaded up early and went to the village where the four students we prayed for last year live. We found Alex, Adam, Mijhai and Mirela easily and spent a wonderful few hours getting to know them and conducting a follow up interview. We played in the snow and they taught me how to ask questions in Romanian. They were so much fun! When I asked them what their favorite things to do where their list included things like, "read the Bible," "sing songs to Jesus," and "memorize Bible verses."

After we left that village we went to another village to minister to a young woman who was pregnant when Daniel left on furlough. All he knew was that she was pregnant and the only believer in her village. It was a miracle we found her! We drove around and Alex just asked people on the street if they knew who we were talking about! We finally found her and she had had the baby, a son named Stalion. We were able to pray with her and for her child and encourage her family. We had to hike up a hill of mud to get to her house and we removed our shoes in freezing weather so we wouldn't track mud in their meager home. Her family was so incredibly gracious...when we were leaving the men of the family laid cardboard down for us to walk on and they had laid out our shoes in pairs! It was so sweet to see their desire to serve.

And this brings me back to Sunday, our last day in Romania. We had lunch at the church and then another lunch at the pastor's house! While we were at Pastor Florine's Daniel told him and his wife that my birthday was the next day. Florine pulled out his accordion and he and his wife sang Happy Birthday to me in Romanian! It was so cute! Later that night our team plus the World Changer team got together at McDonald's and Daniel surprised me with a mini birthday party filled with ice cream sundae's and apple pies. It was definitely a birthday to remember!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Keep coming back for more!

I have more entries and am working on the getting the pictures up soon! Please keep checking back for more stories from Europe! The initial trailer is also complete and I'll try to get that posted soon as well. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prauge Day 2/3 :: January 17th

On Tuesday I boarded a plane bound for Prague, Chezch Republic to begin an Eastern European adventure of a lifetime. Fuge Camps hired me to be the host of 2008's Summer Mission Videos featuring the Roma people group of Central and Eastern Europe. I'm here with Lorie, Fuge Missions Coordinator, Neil, Fuge Creative Director, and Ben, our production assistant.

We arrived in Prague Wednesday morning after little sleep on our overnight flight. We checked into Hotel Olsanka then hopped on the tram to the IMB office. One wrong tram later we were on our way! We arrived just in time to meet our first "M," BH*. BH serves the Roma in central Czech Republic and is a strategy coordinator focusing on church planting and relationship building. During our interviews with the M's we asked questions about their journey to the mission field, their work with the Roma and how they've seen life change happen in them and around them.

After four more interviews we scouted out locations for Thursday's shoot with SJ, the communications specialist for Central and Eastern Europe. We then met up with the International World Changers crew for dinner at a Chezch restaurant for what we have dubbed as the meal of meat. Just imagine platter upon platter of meat in all shapes and sizes...I ate my vegetables that night!

Thursday began with a trip to Wenceslas Square to film the first of several location clips. I got miced up and then Neil set up about 200 feet away for a long distance shot. He says it was a great effect--people were walking in and out of the scene and it gave the shoot authenticity. Afterwards we went to Old Towne for some candid shots on the Flip video (a little hand held video recorder). Neil's idea was to have me chronicle my personal journey and use it as added perspective during the mission videos.

We were able to see the Astronomical Clock in Old Towne. It's one of Prague's biggest tourist attractions. The clock features a medallion with the signs of the zodiac as well as two doors above the clock face. When the top of the hour chimes the doors open and the 12 apostles parade in and out each door. We also saw the statue of John Huss, the forerunner to Martin Luther. Huss was burned at the stake, a martyr for his faith.

After lunch SJ took us to the Prague Castle. We did some filming at St. Vitas' Cathedral and then a mission video shot at a scenic overlook of the city. After all of our filming was done, SJ took us to see some local sights like the Lennon Wall and St. Charles Bridge (where Mission Impossible was filmed).

It's been an exhausting, exciting and exhilarating two days! Tomorrow we fly to Cluj, Romania to find the students we prayed for last year and get updates on them. Only one, Mijahi, has a phone--it's going to be an adventure to find them all! God has protected and provided each step of the way. It's and honor and a blessing to tell the story of the Roma.

*Some names have been changed to protect those serving in sensitive locations

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Welcome to Dramatic Encounter's venture into the blogging world! I'm looking forward to sharing stories and pictures about what God is doing through this ministry. I'll be posting entries from Europe soon!