Thursday, March 26, 2009

Greece Day 1

My first day in Greece coincided with dinner so I met the team and enjoyed fantastic Greek food right off the bat!
Maria, the restaurant owner, and Dr. Jerry from GA Southern

One of the servers serving up some Greek delights!
Jennifer led worship, and Mark was our project coordinator. Jennifer and I went to college together and lived in London together so it was wonderful to catch up with her again!

Maria, her sister and the kitchen and serving crew!

Greece Updates Coming Soon

My deepest apologies for not being able to update you during the trip last week. Blogger locked me out of this blog and I've only today regained access. I will be updating this blog with stories, photos and video of the trip throughout the day. Thank you so much for your prayers...the Lord moved in some amazing ways! I look forward to sharing with you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hey everyone! I arrived safely in Athens, Greece and have had a wonderful time so far! I will have more time later tonight to load some pictures and hopefully some video, but I wanted to check in and let you know I arrived safely. The ministry teams are doing a great job! They are meeting locals in coffee shops and learning about their culture through questions. Today a team was helping to clear brush from a recent wildfire, others are prayer walking and doing construction work. The teams are about to meet back up and then break off into groups doing sports ministry...and by sports I mean basketball and fencing. Tae Kwan Do and low impact aerobics. Totally random, but hey, it's all about meeting some locals and loving them by hanging out with them, right? Thank you so much for your prayers, please continue to lift our team of 50 up to the Lord. Feel free to post questions and comments!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fuge Winter Weekend

What a whirlwind of a weekend! (I like alliteration, can't you tell?) I had a wonderful time at Ridgecrest, NC this weekend performing for Fuge Winter Weekend. Almost 30 amazing staffers led students in Bible study, Michael Spooner of Nashville, TN led worship and Gary Morgan, pastor of Mosaic church in Nashville shared the Word. What an honor it was to share the message of the Gospel alongside these guys! I was able to share a few sketches from my upcoming show Grace's Cafe...and they loved it! Several adults and students responded to the pieces and shared how the Lord touched them through the message of Grace's Cafe. I can't wait to debut the show next fall!

I left Ridgecrest today around 11 and made the six hour drive back to Nashville heading straight to the airport, and here I sit awaiting my flight for Athens, Greece. Well, technically I'm going to Washington/Dulles first, then Frankfurt, Germany and then Athens, but you know what I mean. :) All in all I'll be traveling for about 24 hours, please pray that I am able to sleep on the flight tonight! After all of the excitment this weekend, I'm fairly certain it won't be a problem.

I've got a few videos to edit from the past couple events so hopefully I'll get those posted soon, but I'll be posting Greece stuff (if I have internet) as soon as I can! Thank you for praying for our team, I am looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to work. Have a blessed week!